STAAD is a popular structural analysis application known for analysis, diverse applications of use, interoperability, and time-saving capabilities. STAAD helps structural engineers perform 3D structural analysis and design for both steel and concrete structures. A physical model created in the structural design software can be transformed into an analytical model for structural analysis. Many design code standards are incorporated into STAAD to make sure that the structural design complies with local regulations.
Analysis and Design
The standard STAAD.Pro analysis methods provide you with a grounding in structural and analysis requirements for an array of projects. When more advanced capabilities are required, you can extend to STAAD.Pro Advanced. STAAD.Pro reduces the resource hours required to properly load your structure by automating the forces caused by gravity, wind, earthquakes, snow, or vehicles. STAAD.Pro can easily accommodate your design and loading requirements, including U.S., Eurocodes, Indian, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese codes. With an unparalleled quality-assurance program, open architecture for customization, and a 25-year track record, more design firms are choosing STAAD.Pro.
Extremely Flexible Modeling Environment
The power of STAAD.Pro is in a technologically advanced interface. It’s easy to get started due to the vast library of online content available, including SIGs that regularly cover specialist topics and courses available in the Bentley Learn Server, in addition to online help and dozens of examples to illustrate solutions to commonly raised modeling, analysis, and design issues. In fact, 80% of new users learn to use STAAD.Pro efficiently in under two hours.