What is PLAXIS LE ?
What is PLAXIS LE?
With PLAXIS 2D LE or PLAXIS 3D LE you can model and analyze geoengineering projects with limit equilibrium. These powerful software applications for limit equilibrium slope stability analysis and finite element analysis of groundwater seepage provide rapid, comprehensive analysis for various conditions.
- Create Conceptual Designs
Build 3D conceptual models in PLAXIS Designer for geotechnical analysis applications like slope stability, groundwater, consolidation, and stress/deformation. - Meet Project Requirements and Design Scenarios
Design to standards like Eurocode 7 or BS 8006. Incorporate reinforcements, dynamic loads, unsaturated conditions, climatic effects, and anisotropic bedding.
- Analyze Slope Stability
Create 2D and 3D limit equilibrium slope stability models of soil and rock slopes. Take advantage of the comprehensive set of search methods and more than 15 analysis methods. Use multiplane analysis (MPA), for enhanced spatial slope stability analysis. - Integrate Groundwater and Consolidation Analysis
Perform analysis on embankments, dams, reservoirs, and cover systems through earth structures and broader hydrogeological settings. - Automate Workflows
Save time with automatic sliding direction determination, efficient search, probability analysis, and sensitivity analysis.
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